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Right hot, lefty outstanding
Those eyes
Wish that was my laundry room
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I feel like such a slut. I feel so....worthless now...I don't even DESERVE to be with Rhys.
As for why she hasn't told most others, I dont know for sure. She has a somewhat unfortunate history which I wont go into detail on because its not my place to talk about others in such a manner, my guess is that she is trying to avoid a potential repeat of certain prior events. As for monogamy, yeah its always preferable to poly (IMO) and she is willing to do it, but I dont want to limit her to such an extent. She has told me in no uncertain terms she prefers women to men in general, though she feels drawn to me for some reason or another. I feel like I would be forcing her to be someone she is not if I made her cut that part of her life out. To me, its better that she have that option available to her and not have to go behind my back. One of two things will ultimately happen, she either works it out of her system and decides that Im more than enough for her, or (what I pretty much expect to happen) is that she finds a girl she prefers over me and leaves me. If the first one happens then I'm good to go I think. If the second one, then it saves me the trouble of being hurt by her in a worse manner at a later date if the relationship progresses further.
I am happy to live in our times. I have had bad experiences in the past - like everybody else - but I am very happy now. I have a wonderful loving boyfriend, three healthy, smart and loving kids, I am healthy, I have work and I love life and this earth and I am very grateful for all I have been blessed with. Actually I am even grateful for the bad times, they have made me the better and stronger person and make me realise how much I do have to be grateful for.
She seems to be more outgoing than me so I'm wondering whether she was flirting when she said she could listen to me all day. Does it mean she'd like to come by some time or is this just a way of talking?
As a child of divorced parents, it would have meant so much to me to have a dad that cared as much as your bf seems to, to come tuck me in. Do you really want his youngest to grow up and ask his/her dad why he stopped?
Love lefty ... Both asses are great as well
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oh my god these legs go on and on and topped by a taut butt
Peeing your pants is also biological whats your point?
Come on...if you spend your life meeting physically beautiful people who are empty inside and/or treat people badly...those "lower numbers" who come along treating you wonderfully will look way hotter.
I know that beach anywhere and there's always plenty JB on that one
All that being said, when I do click with a women, then the multi-dating ends. Some would say, why bother multi-dating then. I've found that clicking some times takes a few dates.
Or maybe I'm needy?