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However, you could also just be boring.
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SSarge: You post criticism on almost every HP. It's obnoxious and reflects poorly on your character.
I love you, but can you just attend to the customers...
Those kinds of early games can work like a charm, but only with humorous light flirty questions. If it sounds like grilling it's a massive turnoff.
I'm with tf and ss on this - lefty is lovely.
Secondly, I have made bad relationship mistakes in the past that have cost me my self respect and self esteem too. Tolerating things and not sticking up for myself. Its like you keep settling for less that you deserve. It also seems like you set a tone for yourself.
I just get repelled by guys/women that follow dating rules? Date 3 MUST be the sex date - why on earth??? Why not date 2 or date 12? Or whenever you both feel like it??
Hi.I'm a bi curious woman looking to make a long term friend. I am goofy, laid back, and I hate drama. Message me and let's cha.
He was in touch, and we chatted about three times or so over the computer. I was honest about how I do not have a strong desire to be married.