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Bodies are great faces not so much
It seems as if you are making a mountain out of a molehill.
Oh middle girl, you just delightful.
i know how u feel - i've almost done the same thing, but i broke up first.
usually not a fan of black and white, but she pulls it off nice
As far as steroids, they can make you very irritable, I'm sure you know this. It can get out of hand, so I would watch it.
She then sent me a textmessage saying she was sorry. Very plain text so I could see that she didn't really mean it, she felt forced to do so. So that night (at an hour I know she has stopped studying) I call her to confront her and ask her why... She said she didn't have any special reason and said that I was to concerned with her study carrier... That's a fact, but just at that moment she tells me she won't be doing her exam statistics!!!!!!! I knew she was really bad at it and without exagerating I must have begged her about 400 times in the past month to let me help her with that subject as I'm really good at it. She said no every single time saying I'd think she was stupid. To which I responed that I'd help her out of love and everbody has it's talents you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours... That's what a relationship is all about right? Helping, caring, loving... Anyhow she refused saying that she would study it by her self... Okay, I respected her decision and now this????? After me begging for weeks to help her and refusing she just gives up..... MAN MAN MAN. But I shut my mouth. Didn't say anything just that she's a grown woman (19) she has to do what she believes is right, but that I have another opinion. That was it. Didn't even elaborate around the subject as I knew it wouldn't help the situation...
"Hi du Liebe,das ist ja eine ganz neue Umgebung in der du jetzt, gottseidank wieder erreichbar…"
If you don't live within 75 miles of me please don't waste my time or your.
No she is not a nice person, nice people don’t string others along just for the fun of it.
Just ask , if you want ..
Welllll, hate to say it spook, but it sounds like you've transferred your addiction to Drugs & Drama, to Work & Boss Infatuation.
Awesime ass tan lines. I wonder what the one that took the picture looks like. She has cute toes.
We have zero mutual friends. Moreover, I can barely see his face in his profile pic.
Guys, I'm having a panic attack. I'm supposed to go out to dinner (!) friday with this guy I met online. We've been doing some light texting so I'm kind of getting to know him.
Now, isn't that just the cutest little pout you've ever seen?
He was hiding it to the effect that he was living a double life and not owning up to it. That makes him a scoundrel. I'd never passively allow someone like him to date one of my good friends.