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It continues to not sit well with me, despite everything appearing to be 'normal', our at least our current normal. I will try to answer any questions/comments in one post:
Women now know they can cut corners and test the gene pool without giving up their other partner and without getting pregnant (thanks to contraception). This satisfies their biological programming
- Sure, make sure they can't bench press more than you can
I know right, thus why on the next cheaters' remorseful post they should write from the beginning ''Helpful advice will be useful, not flaming and I already know what I did was wrong, don't repeat it''. Then again this seems to be mainly for ''Those that got cheated forum''.
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Lately, I've been on dates with a couple of men who are divorced or separated. In terms of mindset, I realised that I prefer someone who is older, has had life on his own, extremely independent etc and often someone like that would have been married before and quite likely with kids.
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Dammit, the world needs more hot black haired girls.
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Exactly which means everything to me - I couldn't get past it if she hadnt but she has - which means a lot to me!
you don't need advice on how to impress a man, you need to work on being more confident. the girl that this guy did pay more attention to - was she outgoing? laughing? paying attention to him? did she look like she was having fun? dressed in a way that made her look attractive to men? it all comes down to confidence. i also was a very shy girl and grew into being a shy woman too, but there comes a time when being shy just doesn't cut it - you have to step outside your comfort zone a bit to attract the attention you want/need, or yeah, it'll be pretty lonely. shy people have a hard time attracting anyone, and remember too that men are pretty dense when it comes to picking up signals. if you truly like a guy (or this guy) - SHOW IT and TELL HIM! most guys have to know you like them and want their (continued) attention.
Originally Posted by BigBelm
You just need to relax and not think about dating for a while. Give yourself time to heal.
And remember: ALWAYS pee before and after sex (to avoid urinary tract infections) and ALWAYS use condoms!!! (I know someone who got pregnant after her first time and ended up getting an abortion. Not the way you want to start your sexual career). That being said, make sure you get to a GYNO as soon possible to discuss birth control options and get yourself good reproductive health care in the long run.
Looking for a sugar mama who going to spoil me with a monthly allowance show me things I have not seen n in return I will show u a gud tim.