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thanks for the reminder
Ideally would like to spend more time in Grand Rapids with that special someon.
Im one to believe that nothing lasts. If I could I would love to take a fine man like yourself, wrap him up in my world and keep him safe from all the ugliness. But than years later, hes pulling his hair out, telling me he doesnt like the way Im raising his children, that he wants some younger flesh, hes banging the neighbor,and he hates me.
Hi. I'm 29 single male looking for a good woman to get to know and connect wit.
So.. this new girl cannot possibly rock his world THAT much and me THAT sort of love, since he is still pondering whether or not to stick with the OP or his new squeeze.
If you are insecure or anxious it's hard to draw people to you, or make them want to get to know you.
I am just a laid back individual that enjoys life. I am a man that follows principles and nature. A fun loving guy that enjoys life even in the complex state. I am drama free and believe that there.
Either of these are valid options, and either mean you are getting screwed. And because I really don't see any other option, I would say make a move to distance yourself from her. If she likes you having her wrapped around her finger, then she'll learn she can't play that game. If she really does like you but is rusty or doesn't know herself well enough, then she'll learn what being in a relationship realy means and hopefully will come to her senses by either stepping up to the plate or admitting that shes not ready.
Agree, that's what I thought to