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Hi! I'm a firm believer in having fun and a sense of humour. This delectable pic is of when Snapchat goes ba.
You cannot marry someone you don't trust. If he wants to be with you that bad, ask him to get into some couples therapy.
I know if he completely forgot and no gift I'd have the right to be pissed, but this is a weird scenario lol. For the record, he does know the actual day of my bday since he asked a week ago.
Nice find awesomely skinny tummy!
1 step daughter and 2 gradkids 1 step so.
How are the two situations different?
i am looking for some new eye.
trust-a professional)!!! You owe it to yourself, and you should let this girl go until you get your life straight. Good Luck to you.
Anyone doing "Serious" relationships are just acting out things they see on TV.
She in turn talks about the drift between her and her husband. She says, 'He's just great...I mean perfect. Nothing is really wrong. He treats me wonderfully. I just can't help suspecting...you know? Something's wrong with me. He's given me no reason to suspect. But I FEEL it. It's tearing me up inside,"
Now, that's the woman's suggestion. That's not what you want. Don't let her talk you into a sexless relationship. Take the following from my playbook:
You have been dating almost a year and she will not call you "official". Just keeping it real... she ain't that into you. She's still playing the the field and you are one of her 'plates'. Sorry!
life and just relive his everyday. He just gets angry when I bring anything up. So looking for reassurance from him is pointless, and sometimes he just says the opposite of what I want to hear anyway. I'm just tired. Tired of my thoughts. Tired of trying to rationalize things in my mind. Its definitely time for some professional help.
I live with my daughter (50% of the time). My two older boys are in college. For those of you who have kids may understand that even with only one child at home, life can be very busy with their.
Okay, so after that long rant.....anybody have any ideas, feedback, anything?????