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She's perfect. Needs more keeps.
funny, charmin.
Wanted to see how this site work.
titus you spelt your name wrong it should be tightas, because i sure bet she is.
Honestly I think when we like someone who is "out of our league" is because the qualities this person has is what we want to have ourselves. That or we hope that by being with someone "better" than us we might somehow shine with their light (this latter part is so not healthy).
It might be tempting to think that you can't do better for yourself than this terrible scenario but you seem rational enough from this one conversation, so look into your side of things, see what you can do to improve yourself and move on to find your life.
Life is what happens when you're making other plans.
i am nice and caring and very entegeti.
Now that's hot stuff!
Explain? (The ego part.)
fuck yeah....wat a tight babe ;)
dude you have to figure all this out for yourself thru experience, like all of us did
If that is the case, that is the cause for your mistrust and a good reason to kick him to the curb.
"It was a great spending with a professional escort. Sweet talk, spend a great time with some exotic…
Monday comes around and I told him I wanted to see him because I have salsa during the week etc etc and no time to see him again till the wknd.. he said he was too tired and I got a little upset..even though I saw him all wknd (except Saturday night because he works security..and obv now i don't even know if he told me the truth about that) I wanted to see him again ..and I don't even know why he was so tired because I didn't keep him up late the night before and he didn't go to the gym that day.. so I made a stupid joke, he got me back with a stupid comment, I said a rude one, he threw a rude one back..and before I knew it we were in a stupid argument and I cut it off in a rude way cuz I had to go to the gym.. I called him ten mins later to apologize and be the bigger person because it really was a bad joke gone too far.. he said no prob and that he would text me when he gets back from the gym.. I didn't hear from him all night and my gut started acting up again..but I let it go.. in the morning I still didn't hear from him but I let it go.. nothing at lunch time either.. nothing all day.. late afternoon I logged on fb and saw him online so I msged him hello ..no reply. I teted him hello.. no answer.. I called no answer. At 7pm I freaked.. I sent him a text basically telling him where to go and asking him why he's doing this again because it's shady..no reply. I called again and left a voicemail..nothing.. nightime I pleaded with him to at least tell me he's ok and left him tons of msgs..nothing.. at 4am after violently crying to the point I thought I would have a heart attack (all these bad memories from my past came back) I texted him again to tell him that this is really hurting me and he finally responded at 6am when he got up for work.. his excuse? He forgot his cell at home when he went to work and then when he got home and saw all my msgs he had dinner and showered and meant to reply but he "swears to God" he fell asleep early again.. WTF! I responded to him that the excuse was awful and that I was hurt and will give him space cuz I needed it too.. he knew I had a doctor app today however for something important so i was still expecting him to ask me how that went..but nothing ALL DAY AGAIN..I called him at 5pm no answer and texted him I had to talk to him and he came on fb to respond!!!!!!! He said his phone died and he couldnt find his charger but he was just about to call me back! I freaked out on him and he said that I was the one who said I needed space.. I told him I need to talk to him face to face cuz he's making me feel like I made a huge mistake letting him into my heart and he responded :sorry didn't mean to ignore you oi was just upset.. to which I responded: upset about what.. and again NO RESPONSE AND I HAVENT HEARD FROM HIM SINCE!!! WTF is going on??? I've cried so much this has totally destroyed me and I even called in sick for tom.. I've been in bed for 2 days crying..this hurts so bad after what I've been trhu with my ex.. I left him an email stating that if he doesn't call me tonight (his phone has been off all night) that I will assume the worst and move on with my life.. and that if he cares about me he will call..PLEASE HELP I'M GOING NUTS! This isn't some random guy.. we slept together and met each others friends and family and have been "official" for 3 weeks now!!!! what is going on pls help me! Side note: he also came from a screwed up relationship and his ex was trying to get back together with him 3 weeks ago and calling him non stop but he says he wants nothing to do with her and they've been over for 6 months and he's gonna have her number blocked.. could they be talking behind my back? what is he upset about that stupid argument from monday? is this over? his status hasnt changed on fb but he hasnt called me either.. I havent cried this hard since my ex and my heart is too weak to handle this all over again after the awful 3 years i just had.. how can he do a 180 like this pls someone help me((((((((((
Damn that's sweet
doops: MrKirby mikitira