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one of the best hp i've ever seen.
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I joined a dating app and met up with this guy. I have never felt a stronger connection with someone in my life, and the guy was clear that he felt the same. We spent our time completely infatuated and passionate towards each other. Kissing and staring in each others eyes. Excited for the next time we see each other. We didn’t have sex, but we both really wanted to. In one evening one person made me feel more appreciated and loved than my own boyfriend.
I am happy and professional ma.
Follow simple directions
Well then. Men should be the ones to initiate and women have no business being soldiers, cops, firemen or managers.
I don't think you're dumb for keeping your eyes open. Just keep an eye open for anything suspicious. If all seem friendly and cool, you're probably fine. If they start hanging out one-on-one, especially often, there's probably trouble. Nothing wrong in being friends with an ex, it just gets tricky if the ex is single.
I am not getting younger anymore and not interested.
With these types it's all about them and >>>>you.
Yikes, so after 1 month of dating, i brought up the exclusivity talk. I was told that a) he is not dating anyone else and b) though he enjoys our time together, he doesn't want to rush into anything. Is this relationship doomed? Do you guys generally know right away if you want something with a gal? Am i wasting my time here?
Her formative years were spent with this guy, she lost her virginity to him, fell in love with him, and he cheated on her which sadly has mentally damaged her to a degree you can't understand, and rendered her relationship-off-limits for the forseeable future because she is most definitely still in love with him and probably more so than ever now that it's a "taboo" or "forbidden" thing.
Instant fave.. curves, great rack, the whole package :-D
wow !!!
No, she might not have been hiding anything inappropriate from you. But knowing how this Steve guy has treated her before, knowing he's married and his wife doesn't like her, knowing Steve is still secretly talking to her behind his wife's back - and she still wants to be "friends" with the man? I would wonder why exactly she wants to maintain any kind of connection with him.
Of course he is taking you for granted, because you let him. Don't give him rides, don't bring him food or cigarettes. He can do all that on his own.