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you could get into a lot of trouble over a crush
really liking this fcl
When my friend came back he stopped. What does that mean? Why do guys do that?
Why did you split up first time around?
Only 2 more favs and she is in the 1500club
Rather gross generalizations thus far. Helps to know specialty and if staffer, research, teaching or private practice only.
Maybe. But they do look like hot girls. :)
I wouldn't wait for an apology, he probably has no idea you are expecting one. If you like him, COMMUNICATE with him. He isn't a mind reader and probably has no idea you are dwelling on this.
So that's what it's like getting into a clown car...
Thank you for your reply. I would love to do those things, I really am treating her fantastically and she has acknowledged that and she's acknowledged that she's one not acting normal. She just doesn't know how to start again and fears she wont be able to. Do you think I should suggest a date night such as the one you mentioned? Should I be that up front? I fear putting pressure on her could make her rush a decision. I'm just not sure how the idea of romance would appeal to her if she has no urge to be affectionate to me at the moment. Then again, what choice do I have?