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The point I was getting at is that my buddy went out and experienced all these different kinds of women and what he found was that certain characteristics meant more to him than ethnicity.
Wow! I met Gianna, she told me to call her Gigi,at her place for incalls May 20th. She immediatkey…
You seem like you want to do the right thing, and I applaud you on that. But take it from someone who has been cheated on, you have no idea the amount of work you are going to have to do. Think of the worse, and multiply by 10. Being cheated on is not an overnight fix. It is months and sometimes years of work to overcome.
I am a gentleman looking for a youngster (18-23)for fun when visiting the Bay Island.
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Hmm, what are you thinking? I don't think he is trying to come off rude but it seems he is insecure.
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Thanks for the laugh!
Does privacy = sex? He should want to see you and be with you whether you have sex or not.
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Sanguine truthseeke.
About what? That comment about how if she doesn't put out you're going to start seeing other people makes me think you might be doing some really shady stuff.
She didnt say she wanted me back or anything like that, it was just a couple of emails and a letter. But all in one day, so thats why Im paranoid.
lol, oh well whatever
Shortly after that she breaks it off with her guy. She likes him, and can see herself with him, but it seems she was willing to stay open to the possibility of us. A week or so I broke it off with my new girl and decided to let my ex know right away. Perhaps I should have waited.