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I visited Marlene a few months ago since then she has been on holiday so have been unable to visit…
I was so excited 8 months ago..
omg, pic of the day!
rbb brumette
Originally Posted by chtwf2012
she's smoking hot
The Princess Bride
hey driver, did u check out this little grey-eyed angel
Originally Posted by tierzastar
Now, I guess, it's back to usual everyone wondering why their pics got rejected.
Is my second time with Raissa and i wish i can be every day with her... Great experience all the time.. addicted to her.
My main interests are riding my motorbike (it's why God created sunny days), reading (can't forget those rainy days), walking/jogging/sprinting with the dog, exercising and most recently cooking (yes I'll admit it, Masterchef has got me hooked). I generally like to stay fit and active but that must be balanced with couch potato days on occasion. Traveling is a passion of mine and while I've done my fair share, it never seems to be enough. I'm also game to try anything new and exciting.
cutie ibt's.
So what would you guys do? How can I handle this situation?
Now, you say you've been with your boyfriend for two years. What's the plan? Are you living together? Why hasn't he proposed? Have you grown as a couple over those two years, or has little changed since your first six months together? Perhaps your anxieties are not entirely baseless. If a relationship is not growing, it's only reasonable to wonder where it stands.
If not, then you won't have wasted your time.
So update...
She is older than it appears...one of my frind took her...he was shocked after seen her...according to him 5k is enough for this lady...
he calls me everyday.. we talk on msn.. he makes me laugh a lot.. he is so sweet and deep down id hate to hurt him but i think he would fall for me to quick.. any advice? x
Usually, when you are trying to impress somebody ... you are gettin' stuck in your head. What that means is that you are trying to change your personality to make people like you. So, what's the outcome of this?
That's a dog people, not a bear. Of course I forgive you for making that mistake, because you should be looking at the sexy girl, not the stuffed animal.