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Originally Posted by Dexter Morgan
- The issues
Invite your husband out one time to let him see what you and the others like to do. Maybe he would enjoy going giving it a try.
Boobybait. Nice gap.
I don't really know who I like the most, or who I have a better connection with, whether on an emotional or sexual scale.
Dating is about learning about each other. It's probably the first time you told him a 'secret'? Now you know how he handles it. It could have been worse, really. This is an opportunity to discuss the matter and learn about each other.
I,m a mum of 4 grown up children. lookin for someone for me now they,re grow.
Guy #2 sounds extremely undesirable and unsuitable as a partner. He dropped out of high school, has a dead end job, fights, drinks and smokes pot. He may say that you can be a housewife and he'll provide, but the fact is that in his situation he probably isn't capable of providing for a wife and a family even if he wants to. You should run away from Guy #2 as fast as you can, even if means being alone.
Why isn't it in her heart?
Very nice. a full body pic would've been nice though.
and have rechecked a few times more..also SPANKY..there is a story behind the girl on the beach with the bike picture..wish i knew the number but it was explained
I called at 7 (I actually think it was 7 sharp... appear desperate, good one) I could tell that he was busy. I asked if he was busy or were we still on? He told me that he had a deadline and was hoping to have it done by 7. So no big deal, he asked if we could meet up today... same call time. I said sure, no biggie I'll call you at 7. We talked for about 5-10minutes, he was so glad that I made contact with him and confessed that every time he drives by my old house he looks for my car.
A very passionate and lovable person love to read, educated and very shy and quiet, very conservative and smar.
Without even knowing him, his actions alone are NOT something a man who is head over heals for a girl, would EVER do to her....
Why do you think it wouldn't bring closure?
On the bright side, even after I acted different with that text, she suggested a day she was free (could have said she was busy) and continued to act her normal self, using emojis, flirty jokes and still seemed upbeat with me.