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as I said... not a bad thing :-)
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yeah her cheating is not even in my head, I'd trust my girl around a room full of gorgeous models hitting on her. so thats not the issue.
Being almost 30 and a virgin, however, is abnormal. No matter how much I try to deny it.
I did meet someone, and the relationship is very good.
Anyhow I know there are exceptions,
I'm not somebody who dates a lot. Mostly because I notice that a lot of guys my age are just very immature and worried about one thing (not saying that older men don't do the same, because they do). I take a lot of account into somebody's sincerity and I'm just not getting it with anyone my age. They just don't know how to talk to a lady and only be concerned with being friends. That's why I'm attracted to the 32 year old. Though I feel like he's attracted to me, he never once made any kind of inappropriate remark or tried to "come on to me". Maybe he is only worried about being platonic, but I just feel differently. Also, I've always felt more comfortable with older people because people my age mostly make me feel uncomfortable and that I'm on a different level than them. I'm very much 20 years old and behave as such, but I have a very serious part to my personality.
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I was in your exact predicament, too. Two great women whom had a lot going for them. I definitely wanted both, but I know I couldn't have both.
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So do all men take a second look when there is an attractive looking woman about or do some not notice. I am thinking maybe I am just with the wrong type of man for my personality but then I wonder if all men are like this? That maybe the only answer is to be single forever.