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Two more faves until clubbed.
Yes, it is all your fault. NOT! Where was your wife in all this? Texting another man. Soaking up his attention like a tampon. Did she give a damn about you or your feelings, nope. She put your needs and feelings to the curb and continued to bask in the OMs attention. Make no mistake - your wife was engaged in an affair. Now, her poison friends are saying that you were jealous because it was YOU who was having the affair - brother, if this were my 'wife', I'd be wondering why the divorce was taking so long. I'd be getting ready to bask in the glory of being single again! When you are, don't be so hasty to get into another relationship - at least until you can figure out why you picked such a bit*h the first time around, so you don't make the same mistake again.
best bbw with perfect soft lips and what a butt...!!! love this girl
I'll admit that it's nice to be the objection of such vehement "affection" BUT I draw the line at some point. This psycho I'm currently dealing with has gotten under my skin a few times. Once he wrote me saying he had come by my house and written something and left it there. That's when I knew he was crazy.
I told him he was an idiot in so many words and he's not pleased with me. He still speaks to me sometimes, but he's very cold. He keeps insisting "I know this is hard for you..." and I'm like "Um, no, I'm not the one who's at risk of f-ing up a long-term relationship. I'll be just fine without you...yeah I have feelings for you, but I'm sure they'll go away in time and I'll still live. And I'll be free of this drama!"
ooh shes hot, nice heels too. too much make up though
When he thought he couldn't have her, he started dating you. When she became available through a break up, he made a choice. Unfortunately for you, his choice was her. Yes, that is a rotten thing to do to you. Perhaps karma will bite him for it in the future but you are not privileged to punish him.
"I must say that she will not let you forget the experience you had wit her. So good. Very friendly and she is very naughty and she will not rest unless you are satisfied! It's worth the time."
2 wow:)
Keep in mind that not all women who say they're 'just friends' with male friends are.
I had a dude mention going down on me after the First date. I blocked him.
I'm an easygoing,loyal and considerate person.I am a good listener and respect everyone and believe communication is very important in good relationships.and make like-minded friends. I would like to.
Weird outfit. Cute girl.
How do you figure she's "dumb" based on such little information?
damn nice find
I keep attracting men who think I'm easy. I have no f---ing clue why.
But ther'es no such thing. Cafe's are just full of sassy outgoing people that think quiet people are stupid. And nowadays cafe's are full of people hooked on laptops WIFI or ipods, can't even meet anyone.