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She basically called/texted me telling me I'm crazy, she had a long day at work, she's tired, had a headache, and basically making me feel like crap yet she felt good enough to go to the mall at 9pm at night on a Saturday night? We really haven't talked since but I feel like I'm wasting my time on this girl. Maybe I should take everyone's opinions from my last thread
Actually, I love sensitive men who aren't afraid to cry and show their emotions (for whatever reason) and I don't think you can compare a man wearing pretty dresses to a woman having sex. All woman have sex, most men don't wear pretty dresses.
I'm talking about making moves (like going for a kiss or asking the girl out or initiating something) and being genuinely comfortable with yourself. Those are things that are a requisite for a man. I'm not complaining, I'm just saying it like it is.
A guy can have a huge cock but if he doesn't know how to use it, all it's going to do is at the least feel unpleasant, the most damn hurt.
Hi..I'm genuine, honest, romantic and have a lot of love to give to the right one. I believe respect and trust are upmost in a relationship. I don't believe in one night stands so if that's your.
Yes if she wanted you back she would contact you. Stick to NC dude.
Hmmmm, that is perplexing. I guess I would be a mixed bag in your shoes. My initial reaction would just be to blow her off and move on. Conclude that she's flighty or not interested.
Doll face
this girl is perfect... wow what a beautiful face (y) (y)
Also we have hung out before once for a little at my school, but this is the first time we are hanging out alone with each other.
Good luck. It is a numbers game and it only takes one...
LoL @ ds
I love to travel, I've been to many cool places, but still many more so see. I'm self employed, & debt free, I have great sense of humor, I work through the holidays, so I can run south in the.