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Geeze, that helmet is like twice her body's width.... LOL
Yes unconditional love exists. But most people are selfish. What you're asking is a philisophical question that people have been asking for thousands of years.
Originally Posted by guarded
Awesome Shot!!!
What a little cutie
There is nothing about this picture that isn't perfect.
lefty for sure look at that graet little bum.
and an old man CHOOSING to sleep with a 15 year old child is perverted. and a man of any age who sleeps with a vulnerable young woman, barely out of childhood (she seduced them? the MEN were the adults here...) is also extremely perverted!!!
It sounds like you did good with communication. It gives my heart joy when the man I dated makes it known he's into me and wants to see me again. The fact she has never initiated a conversation is a problem.
Hi. my name is Lyssa I am a single mother of a 2 year old boy! I am a certified nursing assistant I love being in my work field being able to help others in need, I would like to further my career.