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I thought extreme sociopathic rantings and a general disdain for mankind, not to mention misogynistic tendencies come when one can't get laid to save their life, no? Aren't most of the insane just men with serious sexual problems, phobias and impotency?
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well as in my other topic we have knew each other about a year, i ask for her number ans she asked for mine, she seemed interested to me. we had some fun times together but the thing is I 've been trying to call her and ask her out about a week and a half, but its eigther shes busy or shes not there. So I try to be patient, I kept try ing to call but she never returns my calls, and now i think its just time to give up on trying to call her, because must not be interested
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Met Dana yesterday She welcomed me with warm smile Great lady and not a time watcher ...
What are your thoughts on the matter? How would you like to respond? Could you go "in like", too? Uh-oh!
I don't know guys, I just need some advice, is asking her to go out with me the way to go? (And if she says now, then I obviously have my answer) I'm pretty sure I really do like her, was I just being a chicken? Am I making excuses for myself? Sometimes I think, just tell her how I feel and be honest, except it's not that simple.