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Whether there is more temptation or not, it's still a CHOICE you make to succumb to that temptation or not.
More shallowness. I thought I've seen it all. Smell?
So the date I had planned today, she texts me last minute and cancels. Says she was babysitting and the parents wouldnt be back until late. The question is, do I give her a second chance? We have never met in person. She says she wants to see me and said she can rather next weekend or the following week when she is on spring break.
Then, you should ask her about some reasonable boundaries for her, such as what would she consider inappropriate behavior for either of you with a "friend (particularly of the opposite sex)". Ask her if she'd have any issues if you made friends with a lady and met alone for coffee and had a "really" close relationship with??? See what her reaction is....her answer will not be nearly as important as the reaction.
Only serious people please. Thanks".
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I assume that everyone here would be mature enough to not judge me or make fun of me for the questions I ask.
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I guess, really, part of me suspects it given how rotten it all smells, but I'm staying cautiously optimistic about things, trying to keep myself from getting attached to her until I can prove for sure one way or another.