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t0ri - yes, it does make me uncomfortable, I try not to pry because she is a rather private person overall, we talked about it earlier today and she understands that it makes me uncomfortable and after I explained my position to her she pretty much agreed that I was correct and that she should have. (For the record, she laid out what happened and admitted that the male was present but not involved. It being his apartment and his girlfriend he didn't think it an issue to walk in on them to check his email or whatever, the only reason I'm not completely livid at this is because it wouldn't be anything he hasn't already seen before (as he already has pics of her from before anyway), though I am pretty pissed and she knows it. It was partially for this reason that she admitted she should have told them as it would have probably prevented anything that I took serious offense to).
Wet Bait
face tongue
sweet mother mary, its raining southern bells
Yea, this is ridiculously nice!
Tricky business isn't it.
oh really ghero? I'm a sucker for brunettes. We iz gone fight over her! Lol! Lip ring gray shirt looking up sheer beauty TRM! Faved and saved!
He's definitely not a keeper. Always use condoms. Get tested regularly, every 6 months. Do not give this man your heart. He will only break it. He's not to be trusted.
name is Shannon im 5,9 i am 19 years old i will turn 20 in May:D im a larger girl then alot of people i know. i live in Aberdeen , Washington. i want a guy i can trust a sense of humor is a plus!.
She's not a real friend, and that goes for the OP's 'friend', too, unless you sincerely enjoy the path of 'one-way' friendship.
can none of these girls clean their damn mirror ?
sweet. what a doll she is