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She got what she wanted out of you. A fun time for a bit and now she is pretty much done with you.
No way to make it less painful. I'd say go with your "sure bet", but if you want to make things difficult for yourself proceed with pursuing Sammy.
dang crop! where is the full pic?
Gotta agree with Blinkie: all of em are okay, none of em is amazing
well there really is not to much to say about my self other then I like most things that has to do with out door's. I like horse back riding, camping out, going to the beach when I get the chance to..
But it is also true that you need to consider the obstacles that you may face. You are both young and if this relationship flourishes, are you willing to convert? I seriously doubt she will. Are you willing to support her, her you in a society where her faith/custom may be looked down-upon? If not, don't go any further.
Get a clue. You're not a victim.
Lately, we have been fighting much more because I think we're both unhappy with the situation. We just had our one year anniversary, and I still only see her maybe once a week. The traffic in our area makes commuting hard as 20 miles could easily be an hour one-way just to see each other. The final straw for me was this last weekend, we had a friends get together/game night, and everyone brought their significant other. My girlfriend had her PM supervisor call out and another crew member call out sick, so she ended up working open to close just to cover the shift. I was with a group of my friends and their spouses/sig others playing games while mine was working. Again. It should be noted that after 13 months, she hasn't even met any of my friends except for two. This game night was so she could meet all of them.
Cute as hell
Plz don't feel guilty for canceling. This man is not treating you as someone he cares for or respects.
So sweet and lovely!
it all sounds a little shady
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