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Keep in mind that once it's your turn the roles will be reversed, so be patient and be tactful.
newly found doop..gideon
You feel like a loser, so you're going to do whatever you can to make any woman you meet feel like a loser too. You've said as much in your posts. Who is this good woman you think you're going to meet? I'll tell you...she's the biggest loser on the planet if she ends up with you the way you are right now. Who on earth would want to be with a bitter, misogynistic little guy who isn't man enough to take any form of responsibility for the way his life is turning out. Who constantly harps on about what a "good" man he's been. What "bitches" all the women he's ever met have turned out to be.
I'm pretty chill and laid back but far from an introvert.lol. I have a passion for design and technology so part of my time is spent in front of my macbook. I love going to Europe to visit family. I.
I've gone on dates before- the guy takes me out to eat and we hang out and stuff... I don't see this as being that serious. I'm gonna have 2-3 beers and call it a night.
not bad academix - stomach and body get a good grade. but face not so great
damn...i was hoping to get to sleep early tonite. :P
excellent decolletage
Originally Posted by Beccagreene