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Ambitious, hard working man who just looking for a good woman who can hold a conversation. Oh and yes I do smile :.
Hello everyone. I'm not exactly new here, I've posted many times a few years ago under a different name. Anyway, it's nice to be back and I appreciate all of your responses in advance.
I come to London for work and New start. I am a firema.
just wasting my life cruising through JBG. weekends rule.
Hi I'm looking for a nice honest girl does not want to play mind games I have no time for that who doesn't drink doesn't smoke and doesn't do drugs and who's willing to move to Pennsylvania and come.
COVERS1578: celeb Charlotte Simpson and other old girls / TJACK: re-upload rejected pic strike one / RADLAD: commercial advertising pic , pro pic , crop / KNOCTURNAL76: preteen strike two / JBGUY77: artificial overlay strike two / XATPPL1234: she's a celeb by now Sophia Phalen Bertolami / LUMP: celeb Jayden Bartels , recent dupe / DUDEMAN: re-upload rejected pics strike one , dupes 8 , pro's / MARRIEDPERV: watermark you're done uploading / 135335: uploading same pic twice 2x , splitscreen , borders strike one / SNAPDADDY: re-upload rejected pics strike one / GAVAZZI: model Emma DeLury , model Emily Feld / DB78374: bikini model jolie johnstone / STEVE19: dupe , watermark URL you're done uploading / CUTEPATROL: celeb Erika Estephany Hevia , Maxim model Kaylee Killion , SPACEBALLER: headless strike one / MARTYBO: advertising pic / JDELFINO: artificial overlay strike three you're done uploading / MASTERYIN: male in pic strike one
I'd stop and look twice even if she wasn't selling bracelets ! ;)
"Had hot sexy time with Juli. She enjoy give me all I want. Nice clean girl. Recommend u visit her.…
Weird, I picked this from random and it happens to b the hp.... Shes super sexy
That's the list on how to lose a girl in 1 minute flat, not 10 days! LOL
"Avoid at all costs. The picture is fake. The person on the phone/whatsapp is an aggressive lady. The escort (not the girl in the picture) was a Russian that looked all right but turned to be an amateur, not very clean, a bit smelly, and a frigid."
second that she is gorgeous
2 hot asses. that is one lucky gator!
Nail, not mail.
Hi.whats a.blur.
New Comment Page 6
Originally Posted by VertexSquared
How do you know her sailor? And how old is she?
Very bad idea dude.