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we've only been talking a few weeks
When you get that, DON'T STOP!!!!!!
Great Personality..and cute to.
You need to do what you feel is right - and my heart really goes out to you. If it were me, I'd hope I'd have the strength to leave.
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Hi..i am always thinking about things i can do to be happy and to make others around me happy als.
oneilracgni: This is your only warning. Your uploads are terrible quality and some are clearly not JB. If it continues, you'll be banned from uploading.
And i understand your concern because i think she should have get to know you much longer and little by little introduce you with the kid at!
Does she have a BF?
Like, why do you feel the need to tell other posters that your bf doesn't do all these things you deem horrible and why do you say it in a snobby, nagging, completely rude and condescending way?
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This is where all the problems start.... First off, let me just say this, she is going to be going through her clinical schooling to get her RN in just a few short months, however she has told me endless times that her career is not a major goal for her (meaning she doesn't really have to worry too much about not having a job when she does graduate, as a person in the health field can almost always get a job fairly easily, with the right credentials that is), but that getting married and settling down and starting a family ARE major goals for her. Well, I know that I eventually want to have all that, but right now, my school and upcoming career are what's important to me, yet she always brings it up even though she knows my mind is not involved in all that yet. And yes, I have told her several times that us building our careers and futures are more important than all of that other stuff right now. We will have plenty of time to talk about that when the time arises, but she gets mad with me when I say that. Does this sound selfish in any way?? I love my g/f very much, but sometimes when we argue and go around in circles as we have been doing (the entire arguement stated above is recurring and has been for a long time).... I sometimes question everything that we have with eachother. I sometimes wonder if I am even with the right person and if we are having these types of arguments now (we're not even engaged yet), that when we do get engaged and married, these problems will simply escalate and eventually lead to a miserable breakup/divorce.