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I would gracefully back out of the weekend and hold your head high. Apologize for not realizing that it was soooooo freakin important to him to spent the weekend without you. It was not your idea to include yourself & you were invited by his friend so maybe he should have been clear to his friends so it wouldnt have made it such a big deal between the two of you. It sounds to me like an honest miscommunication or lack of communication on every level. However, why is he so freakin insistant that you cant go? Its ok for the other girl to go but not you??????? Sounds a bit off to me
So thanks again for reading the story and giving me your insight. I have already got better and I don't think about it. And I am not hunted by my gf's reproaches. It makes sense to me what Darkflower said: "you might find that you are reacting to your own feelings of guilt for having cheated, and want to minimize the import of what you did by trying to find something she did that will allow you to forgive yourself, or to wiggle out of the spot of "cheater. Sounds right! Unfortunately.
anything in a backseat is worth keeping
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Yes. She even said, "I didn't do anything wrong!" That completely blew me away. I said, "You spent Labor Day in Tahoe with another man. How is that not wrong???"
As far as the job is concerned, if I do take it, we discussed it and I assured him it would be fine. He actually said he would quit, but my goodness, that's insane. He does some contract work for the office - I'd have to deal with him on the professional level *maybe* once a month. I will see him far more often than that on the weekends because we happen to run in the same social circles, which is how I met him in the first place.
she's really sexy. I like her navel piercing too
anyways that night even though we were all platonic that day, we slept together again
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He may justify to himself it was all down to lack of sex he cheated, but perhaps her version if investigated, may give a different story.
Nice long legs wow!
Complexion - so pure!
Thank you all again, I feel very strange asking for help, but this means enough to me that I feel I should.