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Nothing in my post says it will be "undone". What I meant was, sometimes people can put it behind them and move forward. I know many couples that had suffered way worse infidelity, and after time apart, they reunited, worked through it and now are happily married with no other incidence.
You need to be honest, the person you date will find out eventually.
Also in thinking back about dating in my 20's, sometimes people have habits that you don't agree with and you'll think 'well, they will outgrow that, etc'. When you're dating in your 40's and you meet a guy who's 45 and smokes pot, well, he's a pot smoker. He's not going to change now. You have to decide if that's a deal breaker or not. When you're in your 20's you might think 'well, he'll stop when we get married, or he'll stop when I get pregnant', etc. and that causes conflict. No conflict here. At this age, we are who we are and we aren't changing, take it or leave it.
She is very close to her father, they talk every day, and she says she completely adores her father. She constantly relies on him for advice and support. I have never met the father as he lives far away.