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If I had a boyfriend and he was comfortable enough to tell me "hey babe, I'm really nervous would you please show me how to please you?" would be a humungous turn on! That's me though. Anyone comfortable enough to say something like that would just make me pant at their feet.
another good pic ruind by the exsposed tounge
hornytoad: Your age comment on here was deleted. That should have been your first clue. Take the hint.
nylons / tights
Most women expect men to pay for dates because they can. Dating is a competition. As a man, if you aren't willing to pay for the a date, whatever woman you are interested in can probably find a guy who will pay. Why should she date you? Unless you are much better looking than she is, she will most likely pick someone else.
He is blowing hot and cold, so there is definitely something going on here.
I guess I should look from his perspective as well. Typically I initiate text and make the first move. Most of the times I suggest to go somewhere, and he just says OK. This was before the age bomb was dropped though.
Breathtaking! Fav.
"4 6"
OMG hot!
That's fine. If you or any of the others on this thread who are so adamant about this want to demand a paternity test in the future, do so at the peril of possibly ruining your relationship.
Marriage would trap you and itd be harder to get out of. Thats why men dont like it. They dont like anything that involves something that doesnt cater to their needs.
WTF??? So i said, why would you think that, and he said, I feel like an idiot.
sweet bra-less ibt... wonderful view of puffies... mounds nice too
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What would happen if in the wild a beta took an alpha's mate? They'd get killed without remorse. That's a feeling a lot of people get when they're cheated on. They might not act upon it anymore, but deep down they want revenge.
So, I probably won't see him until Friday at this point, then will spend a chunk of the weekend with him. I will keep you posted ... again, thank you all for your support!
Braces and titties.... Nice
Because you say he couldn't say no to her.